Monday, July 25, 2005

Trust not in the honesty of a Chennai Auto-driver...

This is a pretty funny incident that happened to my mother a while ago...She comes home from work by auto usually ...and on this particular day there was a lot of traffic on the road...There was a Kinley van in front of them with the Large Kinley water containers...all full...and there was no one sitting on the back of the van to take care of the containers...only the driver was there in the van.

One of the containers rolled off the van onto the road...and the auto driver went and picked it up saying that they should return it to the Van diver...and the van also seemed to be going in the same direction as my mother wanted to go in...and all along the way,the auto driver who was a talkative man went on about how he intended to return the container, and Mummy thought that he was a very Good Samaritan and all...

As luck would have it the Van stopped a few houses in front of ours...and the auto driver after dropping my mom off, and collecting his money....zoomed off past the van...


Irritating specimen said...

he he paavam...poor thing needed water....just like maveric said cant blame him for that ;)

super when did it happen??

nandini said...

@ paparazzi...about a weekk back...Oh I'm not saying he didn't need water...only it was funny...after all the so called chasing after the van that he did