Saturday, July 23, 2005

Tagged :-P

So I've finally been tagged..thanks to the efforts of maveric....sadist!

Ugh...I can't do...this....

Three names I go by:What d'you mean just three?I have a new name every week! There's Nandini,nan,junju,Nandy(lately...,thanks to Anniyan and ugh its awful!)

Three screen names:When I make it to the silver screen I'll tell you about it.

Three physical things Ilike about myself:This is a toughie....

1.My fingers

2.My ears

3.My feet (small feet)

Three thing I don't like about myself:
1.My hair-its all frizzy and unmanagable

2.My nose-its a typical snub nose

3.My height-which isn't very much

Three things that scare me:Right now most of these thing happen when I'm driving...

1.Getting stuck in traffic with a bus behind and a bus in front and (with my luck) one by the side as well.

2.People running in front of the car...Why do I feel more concern for their lives than they seem to have?

3.My dog (a daschund) running off to fight a pair of dobbermans...I thought I was going to have a heart attack!

Three thing I want in a relationaship:
1.Understanding-a person who will put up with my little quirks( and bug quirks)

2.Common ground...I need to have interests in common with the guy!We need something to talk about!

3.Hmmm...Responsibility, a sense of humour, a dog lover....

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to me:
1. The hair

2. The voice(that is physical right?)

3.can't think of anything else....

Three things I want to do badly now:

1. Get done with this tag

2. Go back to sleep

3. Figure a third answer out right now.

Three place I want to go on a vacation:

1. Egypt

2. Venice

3.The Galapagos Islands

Three things to do before I die:

1.Go Paragliding

2.Visit Egypt a long and happy life

Three of my everyday essentials:

1.A good night's sleep

2. A long bath

3. My daily game of Sudoku

Three things I am wearing right now:



3.A Scrunchie in my hair?....earrings?

Three people I am tagging:

1. maveric as its his fault I've been tagged now

2. kk

3. Random Access who has been trying to escape being tagged!


nandini said...

@maveric :-P you were the one who got me tagged...the least I can do is return the favour.

Random Access said...

"So I've finally been tagged..thanks to the efforts of maveric....sadist!"

I dont wanna make my friend a sadist by tagging ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

nandini said...

@RA he he ...think of it as paybakc for all the sadistic friends who have tagged you

Irritating specimen said...


looks like u are on a roll of tagging...awww and RA refuses to write...

nandini said...

@paparazzi...yeah all this thinking is hard work...and YOU tagged me BOTH times!