Thursday, February 02, 2006

Rang De Basanti

Movie reviews aren't really my thing, but Rang De Basanti is one of such an unusual flavour that it simply needs to be commented on. In the first place, its rather nice to see the trend of patriotic movies- that are not just about the whole India- Pakistan thing become hits. Well, Swadesh wasn't but I thought it was wonderful, and I know a lot of people agreed, but it was more like a documentary than a than a Bollywood style, happily-ever-after, melodramatic love story,( the whole- "Let there be light" bit probably appealed only to geeky engineers like me- who were so thrilled to see the stuff they were studying- generators etc. show up in a movie), and hence, as far as the masses went at least- it was a flop.

But Rang De Basanti- has a nice mix of masala, a bunch of seriously hot guys (that draws at least half the population to the theatre), a phirangi girl (that takes care of the other half),which takes care of the packaging, and the content is pretty good too.

The first half is bouyant and light-hearted, though not entirely without a message- that the youth of today has been handed everything in a silver spoon, and cares for little beyond immediate gratification, but the second half- which eerily parallel the lives of the freedom fighters that the students are supposed to be playing( trying very hard not to give the story away here- though there can't be many people who haven't seen it yet)- that message comes across sharp and clear too. "Do Something" There's no point in sitting around and pointing fingers and refusing to take responsibility. Remember Nehru's Speech at our Independence? "Freedom and power bring responsibility....That future is not one of ease or resting but of incessant striving so that we may fulfil the pledges we have so often taken and the one we shall take today...."The events in the movie may seem a bit far-fetched... or are they?


Unknown said...

The movie is a bit far-fetched but then there is every possibility of such things happening in India, where nothing or no-one is secure! But still, the movie was an example of brilliant movie-making!

Victor, Juby said...

India's systems needs to ***CHANGE*** and we are responsible to bring about the winds of change.

I am no philosopher, but the changes must come frm the grassroot levels.
I must say that our votes matter and EDUCATED* people MUST come forward to be a part of politics.. then things will change by its own.

Educated = Sensible + Who doesnt want to make a living out of politics + Who can think abve religion , caste and creed

Shashi Iyer said...

really good movie... yes. but will it do the magic, i doubt. its funny why we (at least I) need inspiration every now and then.

the Monk said...

everybody's been raving about this movie...will check it out this weekend...

Jayanth Madhav Barki said...
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Jayanth Madhav Barki said...

I have a similiar opinion, as you probably know...
Good one anyway! :)