Sunday, March 14, 2010

Back to the Stoneage...

Beacause that's what life without electricity is.

The power went off at around 3 pm yesterday evening thanks the the giant storm that decided to hit the Pennsylvania-New Jersey area. So, there we were, no light, no heat, no internet, no food (no microwave), no WATER!

One game of SCRABBLE later, we couldn't take it any more. The toilets were unusable thanks to the lack of power (because you need the motor to get water...) and we headed off for a movie "Athithi tum kab Jaoge", a slapstick, light mostly forgettable, but bearable comedy.

... we got back home around 9. Still no power. So candle-light dinner. Sweet and fun on any other night.... not on this one. And no heat. So bundled up in comforters, we went off to sleep. Praying desperately that the power would be back the next morning. When I woke up, it still wasn't. Much lying about and hoping for just a minute more brought no salvation, so up I (reluctantly got). And shivered as I emerged out of the cocoon of comforters into the open.

And just as I made plans to head to Starbucks for Breakfast and the Bathroom (I swear, as long as they have free toilets I will never say a bad word about Starbucks again... if only they bring back free wireless.. I would become their lifelong devotee.), the power returned!

And there this saga ends.  And so to move on to todays chores and ponder on how on earth people lived before electricity.


Rati said...

Man, that sounds tough! Hopefully good weather is here to stay. Well, at least in Texas it is.
First time here, nice blog, keep writing!

nandini said...

Hah... Texas weather is usually good... though when I was there it was all rain... though still better than the snow here... thanks for reading, hope to see you here again!

Karthik Nagarajan said...

if you want free wireless..i know a place..B&N :) a regular visitor there these days you know...

nandini said...

Its true! B&N rules!