Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today's supposed to be a lucky day- for gamblers, weddings, and who knows what else- the world as a whole if you consider the Live Earth concerts. I'm hoping it'll prove lucky as far as my continued blogging is concerned as well. I've made my own pledge - to replace my lights with energy efficient ones, switch off all appliances when I'm not using them. (Good for my electric bill too) Ironically, I was probably more energy efficient upto a couple of weeks ago when I was going to and from work by bus everyday- before I got my car. Still, I'm below the national average as far as Carbon emissions go- working on going lower though - next step buy local produce? Easier said than done - as much as I love farmer's markets (I blogged sometime ago on one of my favorite ones ) - now that I'm working, its not easy to go to ones on weekdays- also lack of Indian spices and other veggies :P. Actually did go a small local produce place recently. Bought a cabbage the size of a small planet there. Probably not going to be consumed another two weeks.


Adi said...

hey! how are you?

Irritating specimen said...

hey welcome back!!1

nandini said...

AM back and am fine :)