Monday, January 02, 2006

Up and Down the East Coast Road

So... this post is in honour of the drive to Boston that we made... Now nearly a week ago Boston and Connecticut and a few forgettable state borders that we crossed in between as we made our way to the site of the great tea party.

Boston's a beautiful city... its got crowds that remind me of our great Indian cities, bright lights everywhere ...trees which haven't quite lost their fall richness , a lovely museum that has the largest Van de Graff geneator in the word( we were treated to a rather noisy show of indoor lightning) - anywa I regarded it as a bit of sacrilege that the said generator had been consigned to being a museum relic, instead of being in some hallowed research facility- but ah well, there's not a lot of scope for research left in that area is there?

Speaking of research facilities, Boston is the home of Harvard and MIT, and filled with awe and trepidation, tip-toed our way through the Holy Grail of Engineering Technology- MIT. (I thought the classes there looked like classes everywhere else- evidently they keep the Secret of their Successes out of the way of prying eyes)

On our way back we went through Connecticut, and I learnt to love New England and my home sometime in the future- after Venice , Paris and London of course- all said and done , the rustic countriside is all very well, but I'm a city girl.

New England has bookstores everywhere, (you can see where my love for the place sprang from) and it has very pretty scenery besides- that however, is incidental.

Anyway, that was one of the things I loved about Boston as well, a nice looking bookshop on every street, not the huge B&N or Borders, but cosy little Shop-Around- the- Corner like places. Not surprising I guess, since it is in every way a student town with over 90 Universities in and around the city.


Unknown said...

With every post of yours, i get a feeling that i'm looking around the US by myself!

Pradeep Nair said...

Just chanced upon your blog. Interesting.

the Monk said...

Ah, MIT...Holy Grail, indeed...