Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Bookshelf

Its been so long since I've written. Honestly, its been painful everytime I've opened my blog, and seen my memories of Nuggy in words. But I've created a new page for him now, where I can remember him always - and this blog returns to what it used to be - essentially my thoughts, experiences and mostly - book reviews.

Speaking of which - this year has been the year of non-fiction for me - primarily business related it seems. Which is inevitable I suppose, considering that I am in business school now. One of the best books I read was recommended by my World Econ prof - Minyuan Zhao - 'Travels of a T-shirt in a Global Economy' which describes the cotton trade. The most interesting part of it, by far, was the description of the combination of factors that have given the US the lead in cotton production - technology, working with farmers and economic incentives. Almost as interesting was the description of the labyrinthine 'free-trade' agreements, which are almost not worth the paper they're signed on.

Very relevant to the current -ongoing - economic crises are Michael Lewis' books, 'Liar's Poker' and 'The Big Short'. They were both incredibly interesting - one describing how the whole parallel economy of credit default swaps got set up, and the other describing how they took over, and eventually, took down the financial world. I think I learnt more about modern finance from these books than I did from my finance classes - and its mostly shown me how much I don't know.

I'll tackle the fiction I've been reading recently, Harry Potter withdrawal etc another day...

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