Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Shopaholics Day out

I wouldn't normally describe myself as a shopaholic; usually I'm a sane person when faced with temptation, perfectly able able to maintain my composure in the presence of the varieties of colours and textures provided by our shops. I prided myself on my restraint, in fact I would even describe myself as having shoppingophobia. It used to be perfectly safe to allow me into a shop, with or without a heavy purse, I would come out, the pursestrings as tight as ever(well,except maybe in a bookstore...but that doesn't count here.) Actually the shopping that I did was mostly of the window shopping kind.

Today, my eyes were opened wide to the fact that such days maybe long gone. It would take a better person than I am to resist the Aadi Maasam end of season Sale. Indeed that perfidious word "SALE" written in bold letters, all over the doors, windows, the pillars and the posts, acts as a sort of optical drug, ensnaring the mind and bewitching the senses, a sort of irresistable siren call, inviting you to loosen your grip on your money.You would have to wear blinkers on either side of your head to avoid temptation.

Unfortunately I am a red-blooded female, and to ask me not to be tempted is like asking the eath to stop spinning; this may be what Eve felt upon seeing the Apple..."To hell with the price...I must have it!"And the women of today have competition to contend with as we do...Eve didn't have to worry about the apple not being there if she didn't eat it today you know, whereas if you leave a nice dress or bag or shoes or...whatever at the store, there is no saying that the woman behind you(that one with the greedy eyes and covetous hands) ,won't buy it before you come back tomorrow.

And all that is enough to make me brave the like minded masses that turn up in every shop I go, driven apparenly by the same desperation. And not just women either, there are men children, and some beings you might be forgiven for thinking came from outer space. And it isn't limited to clothes. Nothing is sacred anymore...there are sales of jewellery, shoes, sports stuff, books, cars, computers...anything that can be sold.

And now that my purse is so much lighter and my arms ache from carring bags of stuff...I do hope I won't live to regret my extravagance in the light of the morning sun.


nandini said...

noooo...books are a totally different story...and in any case I never regret any of the book ;)

Random Access said...

Hey lovely, probably the most beautiful post wrt words. It really enticed me :)

Shoppingophobia, I am surprised u ever suffered from that !!!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

nandini said...

@RA...Thanks for the compliment! ;D as for shoppingophobia...that's history now...although it may crop up again if I set foot inside Nalli or RASI or the infamous Ranganathan Street.

Random Access said...

we do love those places too...not for the aforementioned reasons though :P

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

nandini said... I think it was a gradual process...only I realised it only now.